​Summer IN-PERSON Dependable Strengths Facilitator Training
Offered in partnership with the Middle Atlantic Career Counseling Association
June 10 and 11, 2025
Harford Community College, Bel Air MD
Have you discovered your Dependable Strengths?
Would you like to support your clientele in the journey to discover their strengths and talents?
Did you attend a concurrent session before and always wanted to look further into the training?
This year's annual event will be an expanded training opportunity where we can dive deeper into our own talents so that we may better serve other and for about the same cost as attending virtually!
One of the most valuable tools we can assist our students and clients with is the ability to identify, clarify, and talk about the strengths they really enjoy using so they can develop their brand and expand opportunities to use their potential. Through the Dependable Strengths Articulation Process we embark on a process that begins by exploring things we actively made happen that energize us. Individual narratives will be created to fit who we are at our best. The result is a more effective job search and career satisfaction. Not only will we show you how to identify and clarify strengths that energize you, but we will also show you a proven process to build your network and obtain satisfying employment. You will be provided with the tools, materials, and techniques to help your clientele individually or in groups.